Chalkboard paint on the dining room table

chalk board table
Our table was black before this, but not nearly so exciting. I foresee a lot of fun homeschooling going on at this table.
chalk board tableL+Ttic tac toe


Nancie said…
What a great idea!! I think you will have tons of learning experiences in the years to come.
D-lyn said…
So cute!!!!
You'll have to tell me how you like it in the long run...
i may have to have one in my school room!
C. said…
I agree- what a fun idea!
milkvine said…
OMG! I LOVE this! I have been obsessed with chalkboard paint lately. We homeschool too...and this would be perfect if we hadn't just bought a new table lol!
Miriah said…
This is brilliant! What a terrific idea--I am very interested to see how it works out, I have been trying to think of good ideas to refresh our very loved kitchen table.
Miriah said…
This is brilliant! What a terrific idea--I am very interested to see how it works out, I have been trying to think of good ideas to refresh our very loved kitchen table.
mer said…
cheater ;). I was totally going to do this. Turned out great LJ! I love it.
Lorajean said…
Bwahaha! I win! :) jk
Just a little it for a craft table, grease ad oil spots don't wash off well.
dana said…
that is really cool. I'm impressed you did it. Very fun!