Happy Day at the Gudmundsen's house! We have a big 1 year old boy now. He loved smashing the cake in his fingers, and he loves his Monster doll. Now that he is older both our kids love to play together, awesome bonus to having them close together in age. "Girly Girl" loved getting ready, decorating and wraping were her favorites. She's very ready to have her birthday. Poor girl has been so good waiting through three of every one elses birthdays. Trent's, Mine, and "Buddy Boy's" then it finally is time for hers.
Happy Birthday Alex!!! We wish we could be there to celebrate with you! It looks like you had a monster of a good time. Your mommy sure made you a cute critter. Can't wait to play again.
Happy, happy birthday, Alex!! I did intend to get birthday cards and gifts mailed out before this party happened but obviously I missed. Oops! Fun birthday stuff still to come...Until then, hugs, kisses, and lotsa love for the Gudmundsens!
Happy Birthday Alex!!! We wish we could be there to celebrate with you! It looks like you had a monster of a good time. Your mommy sure made you a cute critter. Can't wait to play again.
Atticus, Aunt Merrilee and Uncle Jon
Happy Birthday ALEX!!!
HAppy BIG #1 Birthday!
Your monster party looks way awesome and cool and spiffy and really cool did I say that already? We love you!
LOVE Abby, Kaleb, Zachary and Aunt Carie and Uncle Jason!!
Happy, happy birthday, Alex!! I did intend to get birthday cards and gifts mailed out before this party happened but obviously I missed. Oops! Fun birthday stuff still to come...Until then, hugs, kisses, and lotsa love for the Gudmundsens!
Happy Birthday Alex! WE are so glad you had a Birthday!
Love McKayla, Lilyanne, Juliette
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