Hi again, I know I already posted today but I LOVE this painting so much I have to share it. It is really hard to get used to Gouache paints so I'm very proud that this turned out so well. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to make a bunch of prints of this actual size, ( 9 x 12) but I think I'll start out doing post cards. I guess that's all I have to say, except that I want to do a series of girls like this, but I'm not sure who to use as models. I don't want all my girls to look like my daughter. (Even though she's adorable.) She was my model for this one if you didn't guess that already. I hope my talented illustrator sister, Merrilee Liddiard , likes her. That would make me happy. :) :) :)
P.S. - I thought that I might as well show you the pictures I took of my craft room. Not like it's decorated cutely or anything I was just having fun.
Lorajean you ROCK the house!! I'm like Woo Hoo way to GO cool sister of mine!!
I had our cousin crystal over for a tea party yesterday and i showed her your blog and etsy store and she was for sure impresses by your super cool crafty self and kept saying "where does she get the time to do all that?"
well LJ your so called "talented" sister Merrilee is SUPER impressed with her VERY TALENTED little sister! You are soo cool. You absolutely have to do more of these. Sell prints, cards etc. and then the originals can be sold for a bit more (speaking of which, how much do you want for it? I just might have to purchase the original).
Love ya baby sis!
(you can use old vintage photos for inspiration. go to an antique shop or some place like and see if they are selling old photos.)
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