Pretty things for my daughters room

I just adore the scalloped border in this room. I'm not sure it will end up in her room, because of so many other things I am doing, it might be too much in one little room.

Today I have been in the think tank pondering what I want to do for my 3 yr old daughters bedroom. I has been needing a face lift for a while now and heres what I've come up with.

My daughter Loves princesses, so a "princessy" canopy would really be great.

(I LOVE the chandelier ,Image from pottery barn)
Pink is her favorite color so that is for sure the wall color. At this moment she and her brother are sharing a room and he has a black crib. I love pink and black so that is the color theme!

I am in love with chandeliers right now so I plan on stenciling a silhouette of one on the wall somewhere. Probably something a little more simple than that first one. Its a little messy in the middle where it overlaps. The red and white one is exactly what I'm going for!

(image from Martha Steuart)

Playing tea party is an every day activity in our house, so that will play a part in the design too.

(Images from pottery barn)
I would love to display some toys, books and stuffed animals on a shelf somehow too.

(image from paper source)

(image from Decor8)
And, lastly, using letters in the design is a must. I love these pretty variations on that same idea.


mer said…
so much fun LJ. I wish I were there to help you with it. We'd have so much fun! Love the new banner btw.
Tizzalicious said…
I'm 25 and I'd love a room like that! So pretty!