a last second birthday party

 My youngest son's 2nd birthday was in the middle of December and I'm ashamed to say it totally caught me off guard this year. I knew it was coming up all month but somehow when the day before came I realized I was under prepared. With the help of my daughter we somehow managed to get a good looking party thrown together!
  Lizzy was very helpful in choosing the colors of the steamers and putting them up by herslf. I made the fastest cake ever, cornflake marshmallow treats tossed into a bunt pan, & attempted to make orange frosting, but somehow it ended up being pink. It went great with the streamers so I went with it. The party hats were leftover from a party we had a few years ago.
The party decorations a cake were thrown together super fast but the thing I am most proud of is the super quick crochet doll I made of Perry the Platypus! He was instantly loved!


kimberly said…
Aw, that is just plain adorable! It looks like a fun party, and the platapus is SO cute!
Delia said…
It looks like the perfect 2 year old party! The frosting totally looks orange to me...like creamsicle orange. :)
D-lyn said…
wow LJ I love it all!!!
I had to trow a last minute party one year for my L girl. It wasn't nearly as cute!
Unknown said…
i love this!! such lovely decorations!!