sewing again

Hello! I'm still here. I am recovering and we are all adjusting well over here. I have even found some time for sewing for Evangeline. I made her a kimono onesie with a pretty knit print I had left over from another project. I am editing the pattern a bit and planning on making a tutorial so be sure and check back soon. We all love out newest family member! She gets more beautiful every day.


Megan said…
She is totally beautiful!
Elise said…
She is so beautiful! I love that name! Did you get it from the movie Nanny McFee? That's one of my favorite movies!
Sorry about the C-Section, I've had them too, and I really wish I could have babies the normal way. But without them I wouldn't have my two wonderful I'm not going to complain too loudly! :)
Cheryl said…
she is just precious.
Love the idea of the kimono onesie.
missavene said…
What a precious baby, so new and prefect <3 kudos to you for sewing so soon..... I have a 3 month old, and today is my first time back at the machine.