Hi, my name is Lorajean Gudmundsen, I am mostly posting about what I'm up to and what I'm into. Like, journaling, doodling, coloring, crafting, decorating, art, photography, food, parties, fashion, and a few updates to my shop. paper mache sculptures and dolls, and stickers and journal printables.
Thanks for taking the time to get to know me a little more :)
I thought I'd share some of those little things that readers don't usually get to know about me.
- I am happily married to my best friend Trent Gudmundsen
- We have 6 kids
- I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints
- I love to laugh and tell dad jokes
- I am a closet novelist.
- I have gone back and forth between to home-school and public school my kids and it served us well.
- Our family used to live in the city on a small lot but in 2013 we bought a large piece of farming acreage, 7 acres to be exact.
- We have own two dairy cows, two large pigs, 50 laying hens and ten bunnies all at once
- I taught myself to knit and crochet.
- Music is very much a passion of mine
- I Live in Idaho.
- I leave my Christmas tree up till Valentines.
- I am a self taught artist, sculptor and, photographer.
- I often find that everything is better if you say it with a movie quote.
- We have a family dance party in the living room every night to a vintage Mickey Mouse Disco vinyl record.