This Is the concept drawing and actual Anniepie doll that my sister
Carianne made. I love her! I think I'm going to have to have one ! I hope she makes more! Making dolls is so much fun!!! I'm glad my sister likes doing it too! We can share and ask each other questions about sewing tips and techniques.

This is the concept drawing for her Lollianne doll I'm really excited to see how she turns out
Yay Lorajean I'm so glad you like my dolly, she still doesn't have a foot yet but I'm geting anxtious to sew another dolly, as soon as I get some time to I'll be sure to post pictures!!
Thank you
I just found you and I adore you!!!
I love the way the internet works...
So lovely to meet you~
Happy me...
J a n e
thank for the little note. I love your jewelry work. happy 2008!
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