Pocket valentines

A while ago I bought these super cute scratch and sniff valentines for my daughter at the Dollar Tree. When I opened the box I was very disappointed to find that each one was only 1.5 x 2 inches big.

I still wanted to use them but wasn't sure how to fix the size problem. They're really just so small!Aren't they just so adorable! Finally a few days a go I thought of a great way to make them a bit more exciting.I sewed paper heart pockets for each valentine.The heart pocket makes the valentines bigger, adds a hand made touch, not to mention it's super cute! What fun!! What 4 year old wouldn't love putting it in and taking it out of the pocket repeatedly! I do!The hearts are made from lunch bags and the back is card stock.
My daughter was so happy with how they turned out! I also made cards for both my kids' Sunday school teachers as well, I'll have to post those tomorrow.
