Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lazy day

You know those days where you stay in your pj's all day and literally never step outside? Well that's today for me. I just cuddled with my little sweeties, relaxed on the couch a little, ate pretend birthday cake, and built robot arms out of rapping paper tubes. Just look at this guy, could you possibly resist the urge to kiss every inch of his face? It's practically impossible! He just emits love. Have I told you yet that he is the best baby ever? Well he is! He sleeps 6-7 hrs at night regularly, and almost never cries. I love my little owl baby!


I Love Pretty Little Things said...

He is So smoochy! It is so go to have a jammie day every once in a while, because before you know it those boys are taller than you! Enjoy!!!

D-lyn said...

I love his little owl-fit!
Did you make it?

Anonymous said...

Oh my...that blanket is AMAZING. It really, really, really makes me wish I could sew. Do you ever sew for $$? I WANT ONE!