Here are a few yummies that helped us ring in the new year sweetly!

Cider for toasting.

Homemade peppermint bark!

Homemade Oreo & creme cheese bon bons.
Very similar to
these but I didn't use that peticular recepie. I used a recepie my mom gave me over the phone.

These turned out SO good!

And the best taffy EVER!! Its Eggnog flavored! Mmm mmm good!

And we can't forget great games played with Trent's family late into the night! what a fun time!

Oh and here is a snippet of our new years morning aftermath! Santa was feeling "piratey" this year, he brought dress ups, chocolate gold pieces and more!! Maybe it's because he has a bit of piratey'nes in him already!

This is a drawing I did a few years ago. My favorite part is the candy cane hook. :)
Yes that's right, Santa comes to our house on New Years Eve. (Read
this post for the whole story.) WEll we've had a great holiday and all I can say is, we're ready for our long winters nap.