My guest bedroom / craft room has just received a much needed cleaning and reorganizing. Maybe it's because I spent every night in there during the week leading up to Christmas. I practically sewed my fingers off in that room and got frustrated when I couldn't find something I really needed time after time.
I probably should have taken some before pictures to show what this room looked like. It always looks the worst when I'm in the middle of a project, and I was working on at least 5 Christmas sewing projects simultaneously, and don't get me started on how many presents I wrapped in there! The shelving unit was a mess, the floor was covered with thread, wrapping paper and a little of this and that strewn about everywhere! Now I feel at peace when I'm in there, and I can actually find and reach everything I need! :)
My craft room has moved around a-lot through the years. Lets hop in a time machine and look at all its different stages.
In 2006 it was in a little corner of the TV room
Then in 2008 when we moved the kids room upstairs I moved my craft stuff into its own room.
In 2010, when Trent was getting ready for a big show and our house was quite literally overflowing with frames and shipping boxes, I donated my craft room to storing his paintings and frames, and my craft space was back in the corner of the TV room again. But I tried to make it feel new by adding an inspiration board. This desk is still there but is now used only for homeschooling and computer time (AKA netflix).
This spring Trent built a shed to store his frames and such, so I had my craft room back! It was a big mess and was pretty much begging to get reorganized.
I don't know if its nesting or the starting of a new year but I have spent the past weekend cleaning and organizing this room and I am determined to get my whole house organized and de-cluttered before this baby girl comes in March!
Here's to a new year full of clean organized spaces!